Dental care subsidy

General dental care allowance:

On July 1st of every year, you receive your general dental allowance.

For 24 to 29 years of age group and above 64,  the general dental care allowance is 600 SEK per year.
For the age group between 30 to 64 years, the dental care allowance is 300 SEK per year.

It is possible to save the allowance and use it in the following year. However, it is not possible to save the allowance longer than that.

High-cost protection

When the cost of your dental care treatment reaches a total of 3,000 SEK during a period of twelve consecutive months, you only have to pay 50% of costs exceeding that amount. If your costs exceed 15,000 SEK, you only pay 15% of the cost.

Read more about dental care subsidy on Försäkringskassan´s website here;

Dental care subsidy - Försäkringskassan