Our survices and price
Treatments and costs
We perform all types of general, emergency and preventive dental treatment.
Examples of some of our sevices and prices:
1. Basic/complete examination: SEK 975
2. Emergency examination (single tooth): SEK 500
3. Parod treatment/tartar removal: SEK 900-1735
4. Tooth extraction: SEK 1160-1655
5. Front tooth filling: SEK 665-1290 (depends on number of involved tooth surfaces)
6. Filling molar/premolar: SEK 850-1660 (depends on number of involved surfaces )
7. Root filling tooth with one root canal: SEK 3710
8. Root filling a tooth with three root canals: SEK 5690
9. Permanent tooth-supported crown, one per jaw: SEK 6,255
10. Permanent tooth-supported crown, several in the same jaw: SEK 4855/unit
11. Temporary removable denture: SEK 3970-5590
12. Removable partial denture: SEK 11,845
13. Removable complete denture: SEK 10,065
14. Bite rail/ night guard in hard acrylic: SEK 3,825
* Reference price for state dental care subsidies in 2024
Vi är den äldsta men moderniserad tandläkarpraktik i Roslags Näsby, Täby.
Vi erbjuder individuellt anpassad vård av högsta kvalitet till rimliga priser i en lugn miljö.
Våra medlemskap hos Privattandläkarna ger extra tryghet för dig som patient.